Therapy at InReach

There are many reasons why people come to therapy. You may have some specific concern, struggle or goal, you may want to explore where you are or where you’d rather be. You may simply feel a need to be heard. We humans are complex beings, as unique as fingerprints and my approach places you as an individual, in whatever situation you find yourself, at the centre of all we do.

I provide a safe, non-judgemental and supportive space in which we can build a transformative relationship. I have a depth of experience and a wide range of therapeutic approaches and tools, which we may wish to draw on. There is no one size fits all.

Hypnotherapy or Psychotherapy?

Have you ever been in an intense focussed dialogue with someone, to the point where you maybe forgot about time, where the only thing that existed was that focussed attention? You may have experienced a similar state when watching a film or reading a book, or absorbed in a particular task, sport or form of relaxation. There is too, that place between sleeping and wakefulness, a comfortable easy place, where your perception seems to glide naturally, connecting inner and outer worlds. These easy, everyday states inevitably arise, even when not acknowledged or named.

At InReach therapy we recognise and name those more resourceful ‘in-touch’ states; in a transparent way, utilising them with you to foster new connections and support desired changes.

These states can be light or deep, they can be induced formally or naturally arise as they do elsewhere in life and in the everyday course of therapeutic change.

In answer to the above question, it seems to me it can be both, working in tandem; hypnotherapy being simply one highly accessible vehicle, to deliver psychotherapy.

We will discuss your individual needs and preferences in depth at the start and at all stages of our work, as a vital, integral part of the therapy. Like all tools and lenses, you have the choice. The important thing to know now, is that in the same way you can already bring yourself into and out of these ‘in-touch’ states, in hypnotherapy you will never be under anyone else’s spell! You remain at all times fully in control.

When I am at my best... closest to my inner intuitive self...somehow in touch with the unknown in me, when perhaps I am in a slightly altered state of consciousness in the relationship, whatever I seem to do seems full of healing
— Carl Rogers
You use hypnosis not as a cure, but a means to establishing a favourable climate in which to learn
— Milton Erickson